Saturday, May 2, 2009

Dinner Party

We celebrated Reilly's 8th birthday with a little dinner party last night. She had a blast! Reilly, Ian, and Jake.

Grandma Barbara, Rei, Grandpa Fred, & Maddy.

Nick, Maddy, Reilly, & Grandma Betty. I couldn't believe that Maddy left her party hat on long enough for me to take a picture! Daddy with is little girl.

Happy Birthday Reilly!

Reilly with her new bike.


Andrea said...

Great pics, I loved Rei with her cupcake and Maddy with her party hats- what sweet girls! Looks like you all had fun celebrating! Happy Birthday Reilly!!!

mackyton said...

Wow, Reilly's 8th birthday bash was so adorable. I loved having a glance in to her fun bash. Thanks a lot for sharing these photos. My twins will be turning 5 soon and I have planned a wonderland themed party at their favorite kids’ special venue NYC.

Anonymous said...

شركة تنظيف شقق بالجبيل
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GG's 90th Birthday Party
May 2, 2008