This blog is about our family happenings, DIY projects, fun photos, yummy foods, and craft ideas.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Pumpkin Adventures
Deciding to carve our pumpkins 6 days after we took them home from the pumpkin patch was a very bad idea. After we came home with our pumpkins I realized that we didn't have a carving kit so we decided to wait until we purchased one. Once we had purchase a carving kit with all the right tools we had to wait until Nick's and Reilly's schedule matched up. Anyway, in an attempt to prevent Maddy from playing with the pumpkins, the pumpkins were removed from our tile entry and placed on our carpeted office floor (another bad idea). And unbeknownst to us Reilly's poor pumpkin had begun to mold. It was totally disgusting, the mold that was eating away it's insides turned it mushy from top to bottom, plus the mold had traveled from it's inside to it's outside (remember I mentioned that it was sitting on carpet)! After the disappointment wore off we began to carve the other pumpkins only to find that the Luna pumpkin that Nick had picked out was also moldy... but not as bad as Reilly's. We were actually able to salvage Nick's. The moral of this story is never choose pumpkins that have rotten looking stems or little holes in the stems (we think that moisture was able to get inside of the pumpkins and began the mold process) and NEVER place any pumpkin on the carpet (the carpet wasn't damaged but if we hadn't caught it when we did it would have been)!
After we finished dealing with all of the mold we began to clean out and carve the remaining 3 pumpkins. I gave Rei my pumpkin and I carved Maddy's. Reilly choose the howling dogs in the night template and because it was probably the most challenging one she needed a little adult help. Maddy's pumpkin was to small to use one of the templates so I picked a face that I really liked and drew it on the pumpkin and then carved it. Nick didn't use any template at all, just his amazing love for the Lord!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Strong Willed
Monday, October 27, 2008
A Trip to the Pumpkin Patch
Maddy and Reilly are such good sports... I don't know how long that they'll let me put bows in their hair so I am going to live it up while it lasts!
Reilly is our little scarecrow and Maddy is our little birdy.
Nick is also a great sport for letting me take as many pictures as I do!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Play date for fours babies...
Check out little Emery just chillin on the ottoman while my daughter is trying to attack the play station on the floor.
Here she is trying to stand over little Maguire and use the play station for support.
And now she's decided that Emery doesn't need her sock on anymore so she's removing it as Emery watches.
Fire Station Visit
Maddy's bow is compliments of Jill Kelsey. Thanks Jill. It matches Maddy's fire house onesie!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Girls Weekend
I fed Maddy while we waited in line for Manicures.
This was the outside of the Expo tent.
Maddy was just relaxing while I received a foot massage.
Jill took over carrying Maddy after we went into Macy's.
Jill and Maddy in front of the huge wall of marathon participant names.
Jill pointing to her name.
Jill's name is in the middle on the fifth row.
Poor Maddy had to take her nap in her Baby Bjorn while I tried on shoes at Niketown.
This is at the top of our hotel. We stayed at Club Quarters and this is the view from the sun deck.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Maddy Is 10 Months Old Today!!!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Making Bows
Friday, October 10, 2008
Sore Throat
I however am not. My head cold seems to have gone away but the sore throat that kept it company is still here and going strong. Nick encouraged me to call the doctor yesterday but I resisted because I was hopeful that it would be gone in the morning. Anyway, my doctor's office was able to get me in this morning. After looking inside my mouth my doctor determined that she needed to swab it, send it off to a lab, and get me started on an antibiotic.
Here we come cold and flu season!!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Sick Baby
Thursday, October 2, 2008
God Can Do Anything
Today I realized that I love to blog about our girls. I share with the world what our family has been up to and post pictures to show how much the girls have grown. But today I want to share how wonderful God is. Even when there are hard times God is with us. Even when it seems impossible God is with us. Even when I think that God didn't hear me, He did. When my prayers aren't answered the way I'd like them to be, God is right there too. Recently I've had something very heavy on my heart that I've been trying to give over to God. I pray about it everyday, sometimes many, many times a day. Today, just thirty minutes after my prayer the Lord lifted that heaviness off of my heart and freed me from that burden.
The heart of this post is to share with the world that God does hear us and He loves us. When we live our lives away from Him he misses us and desires us to return to his presence. I am in awe that He hears even the littlest of prayers. When faced with a challenging situation I am reminded of this verse from Jeremiah 29:11, "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" If any of you are experiencing a challenge in you life my hope is that you follow your heart to the Lord and find comfort in Him through his word.
GG's 90th Birthday Party
May 2, 2008